
Wednesday Feb 17, 2021
#158: Plateauing, Suffering & Reinvention ~Freddie Bennett
Wednesday Feb 17, 2021
Wednesday Feb 17, 2021
Freddie Bennett has a fascinating story of highs, all the trappings, tragic loss, devastating lows, and being utterly let down by the traditional "Self Help" industry. Funtime Freddie somehow escaped his downward spiral of drugs and alcohol to becoming a modern day Forest Gump with his endurance pursuits and has truly found his "second mountain".
This is a discussion of plateauing on your first mountain - your first main chapter in life. A discussion of reinvention and the catalyst of change. A discussion of taking psychological value from pushing your body to unthinkable extremes. A discussion of finding your centre and your drive, when all the traditional signals don't move you.
This episode is for everyone who is succeeding at some level in life, and yet life is without meaning and fulfilment. It's for those that know there is more to life and more to themselves than is currently being expressed, but they just can't put their finger on what is broken, missing or wrong.
Plus, Freddie is captivating with his self depreciation, humour, Funtime Freddie antics and brutal honesty.
Check out the Full Show Notes of What’s Discussed - https://adapnation.io/158-freddiebennett/
The #BeYourBest Journey : https://adapnation.io/beyourbest-journey/ (10% off coupon OWNIT-2021)
Where to find FREDDIE BENNETT and his work:
▪︎ Instagram - @freddieexplores
▪︎ Website - https://freddiembennett.com
Referenced Content / People:
▪︎ BOOK: The Second Mountain
▪︎ PODCAST: Mike McCastle - Suffering is Your Path to Purposeful Greatness ~Mike McCastle
▪︎ PODCAST: James Ketchell - Life Lessons & Unique Insights from The Ultimate Global Explorer James Ketchell
▪︎ PODCAST: Brian Keane - Brian Keane on his Extreme Endurance Pivot, Social Media Biz & Mental Toughness
If you like this and other AdapNation episodes, please don't forget to subscribe to the channel, as well as leaving a 5 star review and letting friends and family know of this Podcast on Social Media.
AdapNation Useful Links:
The #BeYourBest Self-Optimisation Journey
▪︎ Social - Instagram & Facebook & Tons of Free Website Content
▪︎ #HyperWorkouts - Expertly written Gym Workout Plans, with video guides, print-outs & HeavySet import
▪︎ AdapNation Butler - An Online Personal Assistant that can inspire easy and tasty Home-cooking
▪︎ AdapNation Food Diary - 100’s of Tasty Healthy Meal Ideas, that are focussed on helping you thrive

Monday Feb 08, 2021
#157: Robb Wolf - Challenging the Globalist Food Agenda
Monday Feb 08, 2021
Monday Feb 08, 2021
Robb Wolf, the world-renowned nutrition and health expert - known for his bestselling books, top-ranked Podcast, and lectures - joins us to unpack the complexity of deciding what and how to feed the human population.
Robb with his former career as a research biochemist, a curious mind, complex problem solving skills and strong debating capability, is wired to getting scientific and deep on big macro issues. He’s known for his direct approach and ability to distill and synthesise information to make the complicated stuff easier to understand.
So, in this episode we take a run at discussing a complicated, thorny and ideologically charged topic - the globalist and technocratic propaganda around food production, food technology, and dietary choices.
This discussion cannot be condensed into a social media soundbite - it needs searching questions, deep reflections, and a deep awareness of the multi-layered complex web of nutrition and ecology.
Check out the Full Show Notes of What’s Discussed - https://adapnation.io/156-robb-wolf-the-globalist-food-agenda
The #BeYourBest Journey : https://adapnation.io/beyourbest-journey/ (10% off coupon OWNIT-2021)
Where to find ROBB WOLF and his work:
▪︎ NEW Book - Sacred Cow
▪︎ Website - https://robbwolf.com
▪︎ Podcast - The Healthy Rebellion
▪︎ Books - Wired To Eat & The Paleo Solution
If you like this and other AdapNation episodes, please don't forget to subscribe to the channel, as well as leaving a 5 star review and letting friends and family know of this Podcast on Social Media.
AdapNation Useful Links:
▪︎ The #BeYourBest Self-Optimisation Journey
▪︎ Social - Instagram & Facebook & Tons of Free Website Content
▪︎ #HyperWorkouts - Expertly written Gym Workout Plans, with video guides, print-outs & HeavySet import
▪︎ AdapNation Butler - An Online Personal Assistant that can inspire easy and tasty Home-cooking
▪︎ AdapNation Food Diary - 100’s of Tasty Healthy Meal Ideas, that are focussed on helping you thrive

Friday Jan 29, 2021
#156: Shattering Health Paradigms with Meat-Based Nutrition ~Judy Cho
Friday Jan 29, 2021
Friday Jan 29, 2021
Judy Cho is a nutritional therapy practitioner, nutritional author, and prolific producer of evidence-based nutritional content online. This intelligent women values family, bio-individual health, honest science, and a return to clean ancestrally-consistent nutritional choices. She's comfortable with complexity, but delivers compelling simplicity.
The evidence, science, observations and her own personal experience has landed her on a meat-based diet, with her Instagram and Book focusing on what she calls a Carnivore Diet.
Be prepared in this episode for your nutritional paradigms to be challenged, if not shattered!
In this episode we unpack Judy's 12 year commitment to a plant-based way of eating, and the mental health and disordered eating issues she grappled with throughout - just thinking she was broken and weak. We dig into these issues, the therapy and medication approaches offered - all the while having our failing diet praised by doctors.
We talk about Judy's leap into the unknown and scary - dropping the plants and going completely meat-based - i.e. a Carnivore Diet - and why after three years she is such a strong advocate for this way of eating. Being completely healed of her mental health and disordered eating battles, Judy helps us understand why scientifically she is now thriving.
We define what she was eating before, and what exactly is involved in her Carnivore diet. We explore diabetes, gut issues, sugar addiction, hormonal and neurotransmitter issues, brain energy dysfunction, and why a carnivore diet can be a powerful tool to heal chronic deficiency and inflammation.
We touch on traditional nutritional wisdom, the problems with modern plants and our consumption patterns, and the role of meat and plants in the human diet. And loads loads more....
FYI: This episode makes up a comprehensive and diverse collection of great interviews where we challenge the modern nutritional norms with this idea more meat and less plants s likely a healthier outcome for humans. If after this you want to dig deeper, check out the other episodes in this series of nutrient dense optimal nutrition below.
Check out the Full Show Notes of What’s Discussed - https://adapnation.io/156-judy-cho-meat-based-nutrition/
The #BeYourBest Journey : https://adapnation.io/beyourbest-journey/ (10% off coupon OWNIT-2021)
Where to find JUDY CHO and her work:
▪︎ Website - nutritionwithjudy.com
▪︎ Social Media - Instagram, Twitter & Facebook
▪︎ Book - The Carnivore Cure
Other Animal-Based / Nutrient Dense Episodes:
▪︎ Dr Paul Saladino - Carnivore Diet for Optimal Wellness
▪︎ Lierre Keith - Veganism: the unsettling Moral, Political & Nutritional Truths
▪︎ Dr Natasha Campbell-McBride - How to Nourish your Immune System
▪︎ Sally Fallon Morell - How to Prioritise Nutrient Density
▪︎ Dr Jaime Seeman - Female Health
▪︎ Dr Ben Bikman - Insulin Resistance: the root of Poor Health
▪︎ Dr Shawn Baker - Broadening the health discussion
▪︎ Brian Sanders - Exposing the Food Lies
▪︎ Rebekah Farmer - Freedom from Debilitating Chronic Illness
▪︎ Elliot Overton - Oxalate Poisoning & Dumping
▪︎ Dr Bill Schindler - the Guide to Human Evolution
▪︎ Dr Nadir Ali - The new Paradigm of Heart Disease
▪︎ Danny Vega - Building Muscle & Optimal Health
If you like this and other AdapNation episodes, please don't forget to subscribe to the channel, as well as leaving a 5 star review and letting friends and family know of this Podcast on Social Media.
AdapNation Useful Links:
The #BeYourBest Self-Optimisation Journey
■ Social - Instagram & Facebook & Tons of Free Website Content
■ #HyperWorkouts - Expertly written Gym Workout Plans, with video guides, print-outs & HeavySet import
■ AdapNation Butler - An Online Personal Assistant that can inspire easy and tasty Home-cooking
■ AdapNation Food Diary - 100’s of Tasty Healthy Meal Ideas, that are focussed on helping you thrive

Friday Jan 15, 2021
#155: Ivor Cummins: The COVID struggle between Honesty vs Hysteria
Friday Jan 15, 2021
Friday Jan 15, 2021
Ivor Cummins joins us for a part 3 in early Jan 2021 on the COVID response and narrative - this time with a stronger emphasis on the human struggle and emotions associated with being cognitively and societally isolated.
This episode is more of a thinking and emphasising discussion, whilst still keeping a firm hand on the technical aspects that people need to hear. Philosophical, empathic, principles and emotional connection.
This is a side of Ivor that people don't see as much. His passion for history, his warrior-like strength of character, and his capacity to emphasise with those that are struggling with being a lone wolf in this fight of honesty vs hysteria.
I suspect a lot of people will be able to relate to the struggles discussed here, and may well find strength and/or acceptance in being part of this much needed discussion.
We chat about how Ivor is coping, where he finds his motivation and strength, how he manages his bias, and the painful reality for many with of being ostracised. Not just problems - we also touch on some sound advice on how to navigate this time.
We talk about some country COVID specifics and do a big deep dive into the UK winter resurgence / second wave situation. Did Ivor get it wrong? What data and signals do we need to track? How would Ivor characterise what we are seeing?
The UK Hospital Pressure. The UK Variant. The multitude of WHO pivots and why they are commitment to illogical positions such as Case Definition and Death Cert guidance?
Lastly but perhaps most importantly - what would a cunning Govt do to engineer out of the hysteria and claim victory in the next few months by gaming nature?
It's THE covid conversation you'd love to have, if you could find someone on the same wavelength, a deep thinker, and who is intensely researched on the science and politics.
Check out the Full Show Notes of What’s Discussed - https://adapnation.io/155-ivor-cummins-covid-jan21/
The #BeYourBest Journey : https://adapnation.io/beyourbest-journey/ (10% off coupon OWNIT-2021)
Where to find IVOR CUMMINS and his work:
▪︎ YouTube - Ivor Cummins
▪︎ Social Media - Twitter & Facebook
▪︎ Website - https://thefatemperor.com
▪︎ Podcast - The Fat Emperor
If you like this and other AdapNation episodes, please don't forget to subscribe to the channel, as well as leaving a 5 star review and letting friends and family know of this Podcast on Social Media.
AdapNation Useful Links:
The #BeYourBest Self-Optimisation Journey
■ Social - Instagram & Facebook & Tons of Free Website Content
■ #HyperWorkouts - Expertly written Gym Workout Plans, with video guides, print-outs & HeavySet import
■ AdapNation Butler - An Online Personal Assistant that can inspire easy and tasty Home-cooking
■ AdapNation Food Diary - 100’s of Tasty Healthy Meal Ideas, that are focussed on helping you thrive

Wednesday Dec 30, 2020
#154: Essential COVID Science ~Dr. Clare Craig (UK Pathologist)
Wednesday Dec 30, 2020
Wednesday Dec 30, 2020
Dr. Clare Craig, an experienced 20 year pathologist veteran within and outside of the NHS, joins us on 30th Dec to talk about a number of key COVID scientific matters that have been significantly been misrepresented in 2020.
Expect to hear us cover Asymptomatic Transmission, Case Definition, SAGE, PCR Testing, Lateral Flow Testing, Excess Deaths, Hospital Pressures, the New Variant, False Positives, Herd Immunity, Immunity Metrics, Interesting Alternative Surveillance and much more. Full show notes listed below.
Clare has worked not only with the NHS, but also on the important 100,000 Genome Project and AI cancer diagnostics, and given her specialism is incredibly familiar with testing and diagnostics.
With this experience and her advanced scientific faculties, she is able to interpret the science in ways most cannot. As such, whilst she recognises the viral pressure in 2020, she is highly sceptical with the approaches being taken nationally and globally.
This episode is a synthesis of the most important scientific questions AdapNation has received regarding the COVID UK response in recent weeks. We cover a great deal, and should provide essential context and scientific insight to the whole nation - no matter your beliefs and position regarding the govt actions.
It’s a long interview due to the breadth of topics, the need to answer them with sufficient depth, and this unique situation to get such an expert speak at length to our many scientific curiosities. As a top tip, try listening at 1.5x speed - it’s sounds good and condenses the listening time.
ESSENTIAL LISTENING for all. Please share to your friends and family to widen and expand our public understanding of the actual science regarding COVID.
Check out the Full Show Notes of What’s Discussed - https://adapnation.io/154-dr-clare-craig-covid-science/
The #BeYourBest Journey : https://adapnation.io/beyourbest-journey/ (£10 coupon BESTYEAR-2020)
Where to find DR CLARE CRAIG:
▪︎ Twitter: @ClareCraigPath
▪︎ Dr. Clare’s website: logicinthetimeofcovid.com
If you like this and other AdapNation episodes, please don't forget to subscribe to the channel, as well as leaving a 5 star review and letting friends and family know of this Podcast on Social Media.
AdapNation Useful Links:
The #BeYourBest Self-Optimisation Journey
■ Social - Instagram & Facebook & Tons of Free Website Content
■ #HyperWorkouts - Expertly written Gym Workout Plans, with video guides, print-outs & HeavySet import
■ AdapNation Butler - An Online Personal Assistant that can inspire easy and tasty Home-cooking
■ AdapNation Food Diary - 100’s of Tasty Healthy Meal Ideas, that are focussed on helping you thrive

Tuesday Dec 15, 2020
#153: Dr. Malcolm Kendrick on COVID, Vaccine Trials & Junk Medical Science
Tuesday Dec 15, 2020
Tuesday Dec 15, 2020
Dr. Malcolm Kendrick, long standing NHS GP, Hospital doctor, and Heart Disease Specialist brings his deep-thinking scientific and critical mind to the topic of COVID, Vaccines and the state of medical scientific research.
This was recorded on 8th December 2020 - what Matt Hancock pegged as V-Day (the first day COVID vaccines were administered globally).
Malcolm is a master in dissecting medical data and clinical trials, as well as identifying broader trends in health and medicine that seem to be resisted by the medical establishment. He’s authored some critical books on Cholesterol, Heart Disease and the process of doctoring data by pharmaceutical companies.
With a popular medical blog, a sought-after speaker, and an advocate for developing metabolic health with low carb real food diet formats, Dr Kendrick brings a well respected and well-known voice across the medical and nutritional communities - in part for his refreshing non-consensus thinking across some aspects of medicine.
Given Malcolm’s clinical experience with COVID Patients, his exposure to people with low cardio metabolic health, and his comfort in calling out issues with medicine and medical research, his voice desperately needs to be heard across the population.
We dig deep into the manipulation of clinical data for profit or policy gain - be it the COVID data, vaccine trial data, or the general approach to medical research funded by big pharmaceuticals. We get into the COVID Vaccine Clinical trials, the death of science in 2020, and the concerns ahead for science unless drastic action is taken. And lots more…
Check out the Full Show Notes of What’s Discussed - https://adapnation.io/153-dr-malcolm-kendrick-covid/
The #BeYourBest Journey : https://adapnation.io/beyourbest-journey/ (£10 coupon BESTYEAR-2020)
Referenced Content on Dr Malcolm Kendrick’s website:
▪︎ Clinical Trials . Pfizer Vaccine & AstraZeneca Vaccine
▪︎ EuroMOMO
If you like this and other AdapNation episodes, please don't forget to subscribe to the channel, as well as leaving a 5 star review and letting friends and family know of this Podcast on Social Media.
AdapNation Useful Links:
The #BeYourBest Self-Optimisation Journey
■ Social - Instagram & Facebook & Tons of Free Website Content
■ #HyperWorkouts - Expertly written Gym Workout Plans, with video guides, print-outs & HeavySet import
■ AdapNation Butler - An Online Personal Assistant that can inspire easy and tasty Home-cooking
■ AdapNation Food Diary - 100’s of Tasty Healthy Meal Ideas, that are focussed on helping you thrive

Monday Dec 07, 2020
#152: The COVID 1-2 Health Decline Punch (expect fireworks!)
Monday Dec 07, 2020
Monday Dec 07, 2020
Geez, I got animated in this discussion. This was one big explosion of uncontrolled and unexpected fireworks!
Fans of AdapNation's content, or those that generally are holding in a lot of emotional pain and anguish regarding this COVID-leadership - I suspect this will be both cathartic and energising.
The Convo Context: Bryn and I got together to talk about the 1-2 punch that this COVID obsession is having on peoples personal health.
A critically important discussion as I’m sure yo will agree, because not only does it effect our susceptibility to serious infectious diseases, but it effects our future and overall ability to thrive, be effective and enjoy life.
This conversation absolutely touched a nerve. I got on my soap box and ended up monologuing and having a good old rant. Not my podcast style, so apologies upfront.
But, the issues of ignoring and directly effecting the decline in peoples health is a sickening reality of 2020.
I can’t sit on my hands and be polite about this stuff, as we’re being sold a false bill of goods with this Biosecurity authoritarian regime consisting of incessant testing, manipulative case definition, suppressing movement and socialising, masks, and now the finale - experimental vaccines being thrust upon the ENTIRE population of the human species.
This is clearly a raw conversation, full of expletives and exposing the ugly truths of leadership decisions and peoples lack of personal health ownership.
It might offend some people. Hopefully you see my passion for what it is - an intense care and concern for people being mislead and let down.
Apologies upfront if this is too strong and feels too direct and harsh. Please know, I have zero issue with you, the everyday person. We are all doing the best we can with what we have and what we know.
My beef is squarely with the overt manipulation, propaganda and coercion being deployed at an unprecedented scale by ideologically flawed leaders across government, business, institutions, globalist think tanks and technocrats.
Check out the Full Show Notes of What’s Discussed - https://adapnation.io/152-the-covid-1-2-health-punch/
The #BeYourBest Journey : https://adapnation.io/beyourbest-journey/ (£10 coupon BESTYEAR-2020)
Referenced Content:
▪︎ Non-COVID causes of death in 2020
▪︎ Main pre-existing conditions of deaths involving COVID-19
If you like this and other AdapNation episodes, please don't forget to subscribe to the channel, as well as leaving a 5 star review and letting friends and family know of this Podcast on Social Media.
AdapNation Useful Links:
The #BeYourBest Self-Optimisation Journey
■ Social - Instagram & Facebook & Tons of Free Website Content
■ #HyperWorkouts - Expertly written Gym Workout Plans, with video guides, print-outs & HeavySet import
■ AdapNation Butler - An Online Personal Assistant that can inspire easy and tasty Home-cooking
■ AdapNation Food Diary - 100’s of Tasty Healthy Meal Ideas, that are focussed on helping you thrive

Thursday Nov 26, 2020
#151: Steve's worldview, biases & approach to COVID-19 research
Thursday Nov 26, 2020
Thursday Nov 26, 2020
This is a shorter solo podcast, for those interested to know more about the producer of all of AdapNation’s COVID-19 and associated content, and how it’s done.
This episode is part confessional, part insight into how I work, and part instructional.
It’s great to see our content is helpful and valuable to so many in calibrating their knowledge and perspectives regarding COVID-19, human health and government public health interventions. More and more people are gaining the courage and confidence to share our evidence-based content, set up their own pages and even produce their own analysis. Amazing!
But, let’s be clear, we ALL have our biases. You can’t be human and not have your own worldview and biases, that inevitably act as both a map and a lens in which you evaluate and respond to reality. I (Steve) am no exception.
So, in an effort to be an open book to our supporters, new followers, and even sceptics of our work, I thought it would be only right to share my health-oriented worldview and known biases. Yep, it’s a laundry list! No doubt you would have experienced my biases in my work, so this is merely a confession to the fact I know that they exist and I try my best to mitigate them.
No one is immune to cognitive dissonance, me being no exception. The more open we can be about this, the better we can explore truth versus attempting to bend reality to match our expectations and beliefs of the world.
This episode will also let you in to how I further develop my my subject matter knowledge, how I research and investigate issues, how I prevent being in an echo chamber, my approach to content creation, the important aspects of statistician analysis and visualisation, and the common COVID-associated data sources AdapNation frequently use in our work.
The #BeYourBest Journey : https://adapnation.io/beyourbest-journey/ (£10 coupon BESTYEAR-2020)
Referenced AdapNation Resources:
▪︎ COVID+ Insights - the AdapNation in-context COVID dashboard
▪︎ COVID Content - a collection of our best COVID content
▪︎ AdapNation on Facebook - joint the community which reaches 1.5M+ people a month
For the COVID-19 Official Data Sources we use:
If you like this and other AdapNation episodes, please don't forget to subscribe to the channel, as well as leaving a 5 star review and letting friends and family know of this Podcast on Social Media.
AdapNation Useful Links:
The #BeYourBest Self-Optimisation Journey
■ Social - Instagram & Facebook & Tons of Free Website Content
■ #HyperWorkouts - Expertly written Gym Workout Plans, with video guides, print-outs & HeavySet import
■ AdapNation Butler - An Online Personal Assistant that can inspire easy and tasty Home-cooking
■ AdapNation Food Diary - 100’s of Tasty Healthy Meal Ideas, that are focussed on helping you thrive

Thursday Nov 19, 2020
#150: Where's your head at with 2020, honestly? ~Bryn Jenkins
Thursday Nov 19, 2020
Thursday Nov 19, 2020
We need more genuine conversation on how people are coping and feeling this year. Not the intellectually morally right answer. Not the politically correct or virtuous answer. Not the consensus thoughts and feeling we’ve been told to experience and communicate.
Instead we need more real, honest and raw exploration of our complex thoughts that the COVID response is inciting.
To help get this conversation started, Bryn joins us for an adhoc conversation that turned out to be both soothing, worrying and optimistic all at the same time!
This is a shorter format than our specialist topic discussions, closing in at just under an hour. I hope you enjoy it, and it acts as the seed in which to expand this conversation with your friends, family, colleagues and even with he AdapNation community.
The #BeYourBest Journey : https://adapnation.io/beyourbest-journey/ (£10 coupon BESTYEAR-2020)
Here’s a flavour of what we discuss:
- Bored of the propaganda, yet obsessed with the science
- How being time-poor acts as an insulator against the dark truths
- The good and bad of lockdowns and restricted social experience
- This is a year for the history books. “Let me tell you a story about 2020"
- Is our fear of accelerated change completely rational?
- Worries on not knowing how to prepare our kids for the uncertain future
- Constant battle with despair, apathy and frustration at our fellow man
- The power plays of protection, dependance and fear
- 2020 has been the year of growth, learning and awakening
- The worrying distraction this year has created
- The thinking man’s choice of suffering through the dark reality of truth vs naively living a lie
- How COVID is thinning out friendships and relationship groups through argument
- The epidemic rise in emotional and psychology isolation
- Life was not a bed of roses before COVID, but is forced change (for the better) OK?
- The concerns with the rushed global push of vaccines
- How best to navigate the next 4-5 months - dependant on your current frame of mind
- The problems independent critical thinkers pose to leaders, and why they must be handicapped
- Why does Steve remain optimistic about the effects of this year on humanity?
Referenced resources:
▪︎ COVID+ Insights - the AdapNation in-context COVID dashboard
▪︎ COVID Content - a collection of our best COVID content
▪︎ AdapNation on Facebook - joint the community which reaches 1.5M+ people a month
▪︎ BOOK: Letting Go by David R. Hawkins
If you like this and other AdapNation episodes, please don't forget to subscribe to the channel, as well as leaving a 5 star review and letting friends and family know of this Podcast on Social Media.
AdapNation Useful Links:
The #BeYourBest Self-Optimisation Journey
■ Social - Instagram & Facebook & Tons of Free Website Content
■ #HyperWorkouts - Expertly written Gym Workout Plans, with video guides, print-outs & HeavySet import
■ AdapNation Butler - An Online Personal Assistant that can inspire easy and tasty Home-cooking
■ AdapNation Food Diary - 100’s of Tasty Healthy Meal Ideas, that are focussed on helping you thrive

Wednesday Nov 04, 2020
#149: Sweden's COVID Response & Lifestyle ~Dr. Sebastian Rushworth
Wednesday Nov 04, 2020
Wednesday Nov 04, 2020
Swedish A&E Physician Dr. Sebastian Rushworth joins us to help clear up all the Chinese whispers, claims and debates regarding Sweden’s COVID response and their lifestyle, society, country.
After this 1.5h podcast interview, we will once and for all put all this emotional debate on Sweden to rest.
Sebastian has been speaking up, mostly to help answer overwhelming foreign interest, on the realities of the Swedish response to COVID, what it was like in A&E during the peak period, and way of living during the epidemic and since. He has been featured a couple of times on Dr Malcolm Kendrick’s clinical blog, on Ivor Cummins podcast, and has also written extensively on his own blog.
You’ll here all the Swedish insight you need regarding their culture, lifestyle and their "population density" as it relates to the COVID-19 response... all in one place, and from the #horsesmouth.
We covered SO MUCH. You'll love it. After hearing this, you'll be able to hold your own on Swedish #covid debate with confidence.
Check out the Full Show Notes of What’s Discussed - https://adapnation.io/149-sweden-covid-sebastian/
The #BeYourBest Journey : https://adapnation.io/beyourbest-journey/ (£10 coupon BESTYEAR-2020)
CORRECTION: Sebastian made reference to double counting for each positive test a person gets. After the recording, Sebastian asked to caveat this statement as he could not verify that with evidence.
▪︎ Website & Blog - https://sebastianrushworth.com
▪︎ Twitter - @sebrushworth
▪︎ Facebook - Sebastian Rushworth M.D.
Referenced Content on Dr Malcolm Kendrick’s website:
If you like this and other AdapNation episodes, please don't forget to subscribe to the channel, as well as leaving a 5 star review and letting friends and family know of this Podcast on Social Media.
AdapNation Useful Links:
The #BeYourBest Self-Optimisation Journey
■ Social - Instagram & Facebook & Tons of Free Website Content
■ #HyperWorkouts - Expertly written Gym Workout Plans, with video guides, print-outs & HeavySet import
■ AdapNation Butler - An Online Personal Assistant that can inspire easy and tasty Home-cooking
■ AdapNation Food Diary - 100’s of Tasty Healthy Meal Ideas, that are focussed on helping you thrive

Tuesday Oct 27, 2020
#148: Optimising Your Health in 2020 ~Tim Gray, Biohacker
Tuesday Oct 27, 2020
Tuesday Oct 27, 2020
Tim Gray, the UK’s leading Biohacker, a psychology specialist, and the founder of UK’s largest alternative health conference called The Health Optimisation Summit joins us to talk about optimising health in 2020.
This is timely topic. 2020 has put a finer point on preventive health in a way like never before. BUT, are people pulling away, in a self-sabotage kind of way from this concept, and is optimising around the edges low on people’s priorities right now?
It’s a true irony. People this year have got the wake up call of all wake up calls. You cannot expect robust health if you don’t commit to it. We are not invincible. Poor chronic lifestyle and diet habits catch up with us eventually.
However, for many, people seem less interested and committed to self-improvement and transformative health this year. For many of us, the Pandemic is all consuming - leading to life being on perma-pause to some degree. This pandemic has messed with a lot of heads and thrown this years health commitments into a spin.
That said, that is not the rule. According to Tim, this year seems to have amplified peoples health status. If you were informed, had momentum and expressed a growth mindset, then those folk have grown disproportionately this year. If you were without direction and not sure what good heath is, then for those things may have gotten worse.
Irrespective, change can happen in an instant. You just need to know wha the big rocks are, decide to shift to health, and start to the ball rolling with your first action.
Sound good? Listen in for Tim’s big rocks to optimising your health.
Check out the Full Show Notes of What’s Discussed - https://adapnation.io/148-tim-gray-biohacker
The #BeYourBest Journey : https://adapnation.io/beyourbest-journey/ (£10 coupon BESTYEAR-2020)
Where to find TIM GRAY and his summit:
▪︎ Instagram - @timbiohacker
▪︎ The Health Optimisation Summit - Website & Tickets & Instagram
Referenced Content:
▪︎ Episode #130: Top Biohacks & Longevity insights with Kris Gethin
▪︎ Thinking in Bets: Making Smarter Decisions - Annie Duke
▪︎ Stronger By Stress - Siim Land
▪︎ Henshaw Hyperbaric Chambers
▪︎ Dr Dominik Nischwitz - German Biological Dentist
▪︎ Circadian Code - Dr Satchin Panda
If you like this and other AdapNation episodes, please don't forget to subscribe to the channel, as well as leaving a 5 star review and letting friends and family know of this Podcast on Social Media.
AdapNation Useful Links:
The #BeYourBest Self-Optimisation Journey
■ Social - Instagram & Facebook & Tons of Free Website Content
■ #HyperWorkouts - Expertly written Gym Workout Plans, with video guides, print-outs & HeavySet import
■ AdapNation Butler - An Online Personal Assistant that can inspire easy and tasty Home-cooking
■ AdapNation Food Diary - 100’s of Tasty Healthy Meal Ideas, that are focussed on helping you thrive

Monday Oct 12, 2020
#147: Gym Training for Longevity & Wellness ~Bryn Jenkins
Monday Oct 12, 2020
Monday Oct 12, 2020
Bryn Jenkins is back on the AdapNation mics, this time to touch on a subject close to most people’s hearts this year (the year of COVID) - how to exercise in a way that helps improve longevity, wellness and a pain free existence.
This year has seen a major shift in priorities of gym goers. Losing weight and looking good is still important - because let’s face it, a good looking physique is a healthy physique - but now shoring up people’s defences against infections and old age has come into sharp focus.
Up until this year, it’s been too easy to give longevity and wellness goals lip service, but not really commit to it. Why? Well, I guess it comes down to it being less tangible and obvious. You don’t know you haven’t got vitality and true wellness until you finally experience what it actually feels like… or “healthy people” start getting seriously ill and/or passing away.
There are several priorities to wellness and longevity, and all of them need a lifelong commitment. Today, however, we focus on deliberate gym training - specifically weight training - as a means to keep good body function, healthy pain-free joints, impressive age-appropriate strength, healthy muscle mass, appropriate flexibility and great posture.
As Bryn trains many people in their 40’s, 50’s and 60’s, you can be rest assured his guidance is appropriate and effective for all ages, all fitness levels, and all levels of training experience.
You’ll get the benefit of learning about the most effective training structure and principles used by top athletes around the world, but made accessible to everyone.
To make it easier to visualise, follow along and give people a solid place to start, Bryn created an example 3 Day weight training programme. You can download the editable excel Training Programme template HERE, as well as adding your weights and goals within.
P.S. This episode was recorded on the 25th September. Oh, and excuse the odd cough here and there - I managed to choke on my glass of water half way through. We edited out the coughing fit, but a few stragglers lingered on. Don’t worry, I didn’t have COVID. ;)
Check out the Full Show Notes of What’s Discussed - https://adapnation.io/147-longevity-gym-training/
The #BeYourBest Journey : https://adapnation.io/beyourbest-journey/ (£10 coupon BESTYEAR-2020)
Where to find BRYN JENKINS and his work:
▪︎ Intent2Improve Gym - website & social
If you like this and other AdapNation episodes, please don't forget to subscribe to the channel, as well as leaving a 5 star review and letting friends and family know of this Podcast on Social Media.
AdapNation Useful Links:
The #BeYourBest Self-Optimisation Journey
■ Social - Instagram & Facebook & Tons of Free Website Content
■ #HyperWorkouts - Expertly written Gym Workout Plans, with video guides, print-outs & HeavySet import
■ AdapNation Butler - An Online Personal Assistant that can inspire easy and tasty Home-cooking
■ AdapNation Food Diary - 100’s of Tasty Healthy Meal Ideas, that are focussed on helping you thrive

Monday Sep 28, 2020
#146: How to Nourish Your Immune System ~Dr Nathasha Campbell-McBride
Monday Sep 28, 2020
Monday Sep 28, 2020
Dr Natasha Campbell-McBride is a renowned nutritionist, creator of the GAPS diet, author of several best selling nutritional books, and an advisory board member of Weston A. Price.
Whilst being a Medical Doctor, Neurologist and Neurosurgeon by training and prior profession - with a Masters in Medical Science in Neurology and Medical Sciences in Human Nutrition, Dr Natasha those to abandon mainstream medicine in favour of establishing a world-renowned UK Nutritionist practice.
Her books and diet protocol in particular - Gut And Psychology Syndrome - has transformed the degenerative and diseased lives of 100’s of thousands across the globe into healthy thriving human beings. She realised early in her career that establishment medicine offered nothing for true healing and recovery.
So, what better guest than Dr Natasha to help us understand what it takes to nourish and care for ourselves, in a truly human appropriate way? With the COVID crisis and associated fear and declining health, people really need to hear her voice right now.
Being more specific, we’re entering into he the Flu Season, as well as Pandemic Propaganda 2.0. People need to hear what actually helps them, versus all the political and media distraction that is only hurting us, our kids, our economy and our societies.
Dr Natasha does this so eloquently and offers fascinating insights into the human body, what foods are human appropriate, the root cause of chronic diseased states, the myriad of problems with plant-based diets, and ultimately how to feed and nourish our Immune Systems this Autumn/Winter.
There is Wellness and Immune System gold in this discussion, as well as some intriguing insights into broader political and industrial motivations to suppress the publics health status.
Please make sure to pass this on to all your loved ones. They deserve to know what the REAL PROTECTION is against COVID-19 and diseases in general.
Check out the Full Show Notes of What’s Discussed - https://adapnation.io/146-dr-natasha-nourishment/
The #BeYourBest Journey : https://adapnation.io/beyourbest-journey/ (£10 coupon BESTYEAR-2020)
Where to find DR NATASHA and her work:
▪︎ Books - Gut and Psychology Syndrome, Put Your Heart In Your Mouth, Vegetarianism Explained & Gut and Physiology Syndrome
▪︎ GAPS.me - central resource for GAPS related content
▪︎ GAPS Nutritional Training Protocol for Coaches and Medical Professionals
▪︎ Find a local GAPS Coach or Practitioner
▪︎ Doctor-Natasha Blog content - One Man's Meat is Another Man’s Poison! & Feeding vs Cleansing
Referenced Content:
▪︎ Episode #97: How to Prioritise Nutrient Density with Sally Fallon Morell (founder of Weston A Price foundation)
If you like this and other AdapNation episodes, please don't forget to subscribe to the channel, as well as leaving a 5 star review and letting friends and family know of this Podcast on Social Media.
AdapNation Useful Links:
The #BeYourBest Self-Optimisation Journey
■ Social - Instagram & Facebook & Tons of Free Website Content
■ #HyperWorkouts - Expertly written Gym Workout Plans, with video guides, print-outs & HeavySet import
■ AdapNation Butler - An Online Personal Assistant that can inspire easy and tasty Home-cooking
■ AdapNation Food Diary - 100’s of Tasty Healthy Meal Ideas, that are focussed on helping you thrive

Monday Sep 14, 2020
#145: Insulin Resistance: The Root of Poor Health ~Prof. Ben Bikman
Monday Sep 14, 2020
Monday Sep 14, 2020
World-renowned Professor Ben Bikman is a leading expert on fat cell metabolism, metabolic health, insulin resistance, and the affects a dysfunctional metabolism has on healthy immune function.
What’s the very best thing you can do to improve your health and those around you? Ensure you and others are Metabolically Healthy and Insulin Sensitive.
These terms sound overly technical and are far from instructive. But, it is so critically important that we as individuals, as societies, and as healthcare providers understand what it takes to be metabolically healthy.
Understand and live this one concept well enough, and you will protect yourself against the plethora of modern chronic diseases, as well as shoring up your defences against Infectious Diseases such as COVID-19 and the Flu.
This episode is scientific in nature but universally accessible and practical. Not only will you know more than almost everyone when it comes to metabolic health, insulin sensitivity and the links between metabolic and immune function, but you will also know how to achieve these states of optimal health too.
P.S. If you are coming in pretty naive to this topic, then a good place to start is actually the prior episode - episode #144 where we start from the grass roots of the metabolism and metabolic health.
Check out the Full Show Notes of What’s Discussed - https://adapnation.io/145-insulin-resistance-bikman/
The #BeYourBest Journey : https://adapnation.io/beyourbest-journey/ (£10 coupon BESTYEAR-2020)
Where to find BEN BIKMAN and his work:
▪︎ The NEW Book - Why We Get Sick
▪︎ Social Media (BenjaminBikmanPHD) - Facebook, Instagram & Twitter
▪︎ Website - https://gethlth.com/about-us/
Referenced Content:
▪︎ Episode #144: How to Improve Your Metabolic Health
▪︎ Have we got Diabetes all Wrong? (Overflow Hypothesis & Jason Fung)
If you like this and other AdapNation episodes, please don't forget to subscribe to the channel, as well as leaving a 5 star review and letting friends and family know of this Podcast on Social Media.
AdapNation Useful Links:
The #BeYourBest Self-Optimisation Journey
■ Social - Instagram & Facebook & Tons of Free Website Content
■ #HyperWorkouts - Expertly written Gym Workout Plans, with video guides, print-outs & HeavySet import
■ AdapNation Butler - An Online Personal Assistant that can inspire easy and tasty Home-cooking
■ AdapNation Food Diary - 100’s of Tasty Healthy Meal Ideas, that are focussed on helping you thrive

Wednesday Sep 02, 2020
#144: How to Improve Your Metabolic Health ~Bryn & Steve
Wednesday Sep 02, 2020
Wednesday Sep 02, 2020
I keep banging on about it regarding protection against COVID-19… Metabolic Health. Probably the most important concept to grasp in these times is getting in and staying Metabolically Healthy.
We see that 96% of all COVID-19 mortality had one or more co-morbidities, with leading health conditions being Diabetes, Hypertension and Obesity. All of which make up something called Metabolic Syndrome.
So, if you want to look good, feel good, have a great sustainable relationship with food, minimise your exposure to chronics diseases and robustly defend against infectious respiratory diseases such as COVID-19, then it should be your top priority to get Metabolically Healthy.
This episode is going to explain exactly what we mean by Metabolic Health, Metabolic Syndrome and Metabolism. Bryn and Steve cover all the bases - ranging from Metabolism and weight management, can you break your metabolism, and hypothyroidism; to how your metabolism becomes dis-regulated, what health issues it causes, and how to identify if you have Metabolic Syndrome.
You’ll learn about the connection between your metabolism, healthy hormone function, body fat, and your immune system. Lastly, we share the practical and simple diet and lifestyle solutions that will get you metabolically healthy. Things you can start right away that will have a quick and profound effect on your metabolic and immune health.
This is TOO IMPORTANT to ignore. For you and your loved ones.
We don’t need masks, lockdowns and vaccines. If you truly care about those who are highly susceptible to Flu and COVID-19, then help them improve their host health and natural defences.
Check out the Full Show Notes of What’s Discussed - https://adapnation.io/144-metabolic-health/
The #BeYourBest Journey : https://adapnation.io/beyourbest-journey/ (£10 coupon BESTYEAR-2020)
Where to find BRYN JENKINS and his work:
▪︎ Intent2Improve Gym - website & social
Referenced Content:
▪︎ The #BeYourBest Nutritional Principals
▪︎ Podcast: Human evolution and the diet that made it all possible ~Dr Bill Schindler
▪︎ Podcasts: Understanding Inflammation wit Dr Tom O’Bryan & Viruses & Immune System with Dr Russell Jaffe
If you like this and other AdapNation episodes, please don't forget to subscribe to the channel, as well as leaving a 5 star review and letting friends and family know of this Podcast on Social Media.
AdapNation Useful Links:
The #BeYourBest Self-Optimisation Journey
■ Social - Instagram & Facebook & Tons of Free Website Content
■ #HyperWorkouts - Expertly written Gym Workout Plans, with video guides, print-outs & HeavySet import
■ AdapNation Butler - An Online Personal Assistant that can inspire easy and tasty Home-cooking
■ AdapNation Food Diary - 100’s of Tasty Healthy Meal Ideas, that are focussed on helping you thrive

Thursday Aug 27, 2020
#143: Reflections on COVID Mania & THE Science ~Ivor Cummins
Thursday Aug 27, 2020
Thursday Aug 27, 2020
Ivor Cummins is one of the leading voices of reason, science and truth when it comes to this #coronavirus crisis.
If you haven’t already, go listen to the hugely popular first COVID-19 conversation with Ivor Cummins (#132) published 1st June. Also, you MUST follow Ivor on Twitter, as he’s an absolute machine when it comes to pumping out the real science on COVID-19 - @FatEmperor.
Wow, what a discussion! We took off the kid gloves and ripped this covid-response subject wiiiide open. It will not disappoint.
This is your time to act. Consume this conversation, think through what is being said, and work through some fo the referenced content. And then…stand up and be counted!
Have the courage to speak up. Break down your cognitive dissonance, overcome your vulnerabilities, and help people make sense of this mess. Start by sharing this podast, and merely ask that people listen with an open mind. And if people have issue with what is said, direct them AdapNation’s way.
Thank you. Let’s try and divert this train wreck of a global hysteria and fearmongering response to #coronavirus.
Check out the Full Show Notes of What’s Discussed - https://adapnation.io/143-covid-mania-ivor-cummins/
The #BeYourBest Journey : https://adapnation.io/beyourbest-journey/ (£10 coupon BESTYEAR-2020)
Where to find IVOR CUMMINS and his work:
▪︎ YouTube - Ivor Cummins
▪︎ Website - https://thefatemperor.com
▪︎ Social Media - Twitter & Facebook
▪︎ Podcast - The Fat Emperor
▪︎ PLEASE support Ivor to continue producing his work using Patreon/PayPal
Referenced Content:
▪︎ Ivor Cummins YouTube - Immunology Deep Dive with Creon Levit
▪︎ Ivor Cummins YouTube - Beda Stadler, Prof of Immunology on Developing Immunity
▪︎ Ivor Cummins YouTube - Spanish Doctor Schools News Reporter
▪︎ Ivor Cummins YouTube - Nobel laureate Prof Michael Levitt on covid modelling
▪︎ Ivor’s Corona Mismanagement Letter - scientific manifesto to send to biz and political leaders
▪︎ Spiegel Article - Exposing the scandal of the 2009 Swine Flu Pandemic
▪︎ AdapNation - COVID-19 UK Flu Season Projections
▪︎ Prof Sikora - Twitter & UnHerd Interview
▪︎ Prof Sunetra Gupta - Twitter & UnHerd Interview
▪︎ Prof Michael Levitt - Twitter
▪︎ Prof Carl Heneghan - Twitter
▪︎ Dr John Lee - The Coronavirus Immunity Riddle
▪︎ Bill Gates & Vaccine Agenda, 4pt Series, The Corbett Report
▪︎ Plandemic: Indoctrination, feature documentary released Aug 2020
If you like this and other AdapNation episodes, please don't forget to subscribe to the channel, as well as leaving a 5 star review and letting friends and family know of this Podcast on Social Media.
AdapNation Useful Links:
The #BeYourBest Self-Optimisation Journey
■ Social - Instagram & Facebook & Tons of Free Website Content
■ #HyperWorkouts - Expertly written Gym Workout Plans, with video guides, print-outs & HeavySet import
■ AdapNation Butler - An Online Personal Assistant that can inspire easy and tasty Home-cooking
■ AdapNation Food Diary - 100’s of Tasty Healthy Meal Ideas, that are focussed on helping you thrive

Wednesday Aug 19, 2020
#142: Understanding Inflammation, Oxidisation & Immune Health ~Dr Tom O'Bryan
Wednesday Aug 19, 2020
Wednesday Aug 19, 2020
Dr Tom O’Bryan helps scientifically unpack two commonly used yet massively misunderstood terms - Inflammation and Oxidisation, and how to think about supporting robust Immune Health during the year of COVID-19.
Dr Tom O’Bryan is a 40 year+ holistic practitioner in the US, with a focus on understanding and reversing modern lifestyle diseases. He has helped 10’s of thousands of people through his clinic, online presence and two best selling books - Autoimmune Fix and You Can Fix Your Brain.
Inflammation has been inappropriately vilified. It’s an effective and critical part of our immune system to fight off invasion and help with body and cellular rejuvenation. The problem is the chronic lifestyle and diet-induced inflammation, that weakens your defences against external threats such as viruses and pathogens.
Oxidisation is also often misunderstood, alongside the obsession with ‘antioxidant’ marketing. So, Dr. Tom helps stitch together these topics into a single theme - how our immune system uses inflammation, antibodies, endogenous antioxidants, macrohphages, vitamin and much more to address damage and foreign invasion.
This conversation is laced with great examples and analogies. We’ll talk about the deleterious role of Gluten, Plastics, Chemicals and Seed Oils on human health. Dr. Tom frames up what autoimmunity is, the linkage to metabolic syndrome, and how our bodies seem to be attacking themselves.
Check out the Full Show Notes of What’s Discussed - https://adapnation.io/142-inflammation-dr-tom/
The #BeYourBest Journey : https://adapnation.io/beyourbest-journey/ (£10 coupon BESTYEAR-2020)
Where to find DR TOM O'BRYAN & his resources:
▪︎ Free Helpful Guides to reduce autoimmunity in your house - theDR.com/help
▪︎ Prior episode - #54: Causes behind the explosion of Autoimmune Diseases
▪︎ Book 1 - The Autoimmune Fix
▪︎ Book 2 - You Can Fix Your Brain
▪︎ Instagram - @dr.tomobryan
Referenced Resources & Third Parties:
▪︎ Chris Masterjohn Podcast on COVID-19 and Vit D status evidence
▪︎ Book: The Blue Zones ~Dan Buettner
If you like this and other AdapNation episodes, please don't forget to subscribe to the channel, as well as leaving a 5 star review and letting friends and family know of this Podcast on Social Media.
AdapNation Useful Links:
The #BeYourBest Self-Optimisation Journey
■ Social - Instagram & Facebook & Tons of Free Website Content
■ #HyperWorkouts - Expertly written Gym Workout Plans, with video guides, print-outs & HeavySet import
■ AdapNation Butler - An Online Personal Assistant that can inspire easy and tasty Home-cooking
■ AdapNation Food Diary - 100’s of Tasty Healthy Meal Ideas, that are focussed on helping you thrive

Thursday Aug 06, 2020
#141: Raging Tribalism, Social Anxieties & Mental Health Epidemic ~Dave Cottrell
Thursday Aug 06, 2020
Thursday Aug 06, 2020
Dave Cottrell, Mental Health and Mindset Coach, joins us for an open and honest exploration of mental health issues, the raging tribalism we are seeing today, and anxieties worsened by the COVID-19 crisis. Recorded 20th June 2020.
Dave is uniquely positioned to have this conversation. Suffering with Bipolar, a menacing mental condition, since his teens, he has experienced the deepest darkest times followed by mania on an infinite loop for over half his life. Luckily his attempt on his life wasn’t successful, as we are all blessed with his deep empathy, insight and wisdom when it comes to navigating mental health and modern life in general. He’s hung up his nutrition and PT hat to dedicate his energy into unique and deeply caring services of mindset and mental health coaching.
We seem more divided and more anxious than ever before. There’s tons of passion, care and energy in the world, but joined with lots naivety, vulnerability, aggression and tribalism. This dark energy is reaching its crescendo with the COVID-19 Pandemic, Lockdown and government responses.
But so much has lead to this point - Brexit, UK General Election, Trump Administration, Race Inequality, Veganism, Climate Change. The thing is, much of this energy and fighting would not be possible without social media. We would be otherwise blind to all our differences.
The problem is, a huge part of our ability to live long and well depends on our Strong Social Bonds, Community and Optimism. We’re hurting our health and our civilisation - this issue needs attention.
In this episode we attempt to bring these issues to the fore, whilst also making it a practical conversation for the listeners. We explore bipolar, mental health issues at large, the root causes, tribalism, the death of the friendly debate, social media, COVID anxieties and how to expand your comfort zone.
Check out the Full Show Notes of What’s Discussed - https://adapnation.io/141-tribalism-and-anxiety/
The #BeYourBest Journey : https://adapnation.io/beyourbest-journey/ (£10 coupon BESTYEAR-2020)
Where to find DAVE COTTRELL & his resources:
▪︎ Website - www.mindsetbydave.com
▪︎ Social Media (MindsetByDave) - Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube
▪︎ Twitch - www.twitch.tv/mindsetbydave
▪︎ Free 1h Mindset Coaching - A Life A Day
Referenced Resources & Third Parties:
▪︎ Lost Connections by Johann Hari
If you like this and other AdapNation episodes, please don't forget to subscribe to the channel, as well as leaving a 5 star review and letting friends and family know of this Podcast on Social Media.
AdapNation Useful Links:
The #BeYourBest Self-Optimisation Journey
■ Social - Instagram & Facebook & Tons of Free Website Content
■ #HyperWorkouts - Expertly written Gym Workout Plans, with video guides, print-outs & HeavySet import
■ AdapNation Butler - An Online Personal Assistant that can inspire easy and tasty Home-cooking
■ AdapNation Food Diary - 100’s of Tasty Healthy Meal Ideas, that are focussed on helping you thrive

Thursday Jul 30, 2020
#140: Is Loneliness making us unhealthy & shortening our lives? ~Marta Zaraska
Thursday Jul 30, 2020
Thursday Jul 30, 2020
Marta Zaraska, coveted science journalist and author, helps explore the profound effect our social relationships have on our health and longevity.
Marta writes for publications including Scientific American, the Atlantic and Washington Post, with her work being consumed the world over and inspiring TV Programs globally. With an obsessional interest in health and longevity, her works evolution has taken her to social health, purpose and altruism - with her latest book Growing Young.
It turns out, unsurprisingly, that our bodies have beautifully evolved to motivate strong connection and to establish ourselves within a wholesome tribe. Every emotion of loneliness, ostracism, connection, and trust is driven by hormones and biochemical processes, as our bodies attempt to create maximum opportunity to survive, procreate and thrive.
This conversation is so timely. With the 20 weeks + of Lockdowns and social isolation, there has been a very obvious toll on the health of our minds, health of out relationships, and health of our physiology. Being socially fulfilled and connected is not optional. It’s a human imperative.
What’s fascinating is the cause and effect of loneliness on our body, and our bodies loneliness biochemistry on you mind. From immune system defence, how we see the world, self-protection, and our biological age. Every emotion has a purpose - to motivate action that returns us back to health!
If you want to know about the hard stats on longevity and mortality risk benefits from have a strong social life, you’ll hear it here. We’ll cover how to evaluate the strength of your social health, whilst giving some ballpark metrics on number of friends etc.
This is not a nice-to-have. Social media will NOT fill the void - the engagement is not real… at a human biological level. Prioritising your social health and purpose is a big deal. Start with this episode, and double click with Marta’s book Growing Young.
Check out the Full Show Notes of What’s Discussed - https://adapnation.io/140-loneliness/
The #BeYourBest Journey : https://adapnation.io/beyourbest-journey/ (£10 coupon BESTYEAR-2020)
Where to find MARTA ZARASKA & her resources:
▪︎ Website - https://www.growingyoungthebook.com
▪︎ New Book - Growing Young: How Friendship, Optimism and Kindness Can Help You Live to 100
▪︎ Twitter - @MZaraska
If you like this and other AdapNation episodes, please don't forget to subscribe to the channel, as well as leaving a 5 star review and letting friends and family know of this Podcast on Social Media.
AdapNation Useful Links:
The #BeYourBest Self-Optimisation Journey
■ Social - Instagram & Facebook & Tons of Free Website Content
■ #HyperWorkouts - Expertly written Gym Workout Plans, with video guides, print-outs & HeavySet import
■ AdapNation Butler - An Online Personal Assistant that can inspire easy and tasty Home-cooking
■ AdapNation Food Diary - 100’s of Tasty Healthy Meal Ideas, that are focussed on helping you thrive

Tuesday Jul 21, 2020
#139: Jaclyn Dunne on COVID-19 Truth-Seeking, the Lockdown Mess & Vaccines
Tuesday Jul 21, 2020
Tuesday Jul 21, 2020
Jaclyn Dunne went viral in mid March, as she spoke her mind on the COVID-19 Crisis and government actions. One Facebook Live video was watched 2.4 million times, and she woke up one morning to 121,000 followers to her personal page!
Why? Because she offered a fresh of breath air. She decided to speak out against a number of illogical inconsistencies and fear-based manipulations in the media, and others found solace in her courage and leadership. They had a safe place to share their non-popular concerns.
Since then, Jaclyn’s has created a go-to platform where she and others share insights on the COVID-19 pandemic that you don’t get to see through mainstream channels. With incredible engagement, Jaclyn’s leadership is met with a lot of love and appreciation.
By background, Jaclyn is a holistic health practitioner and nutrition coach, as well as best selling health and wellness author. She has a diploma in nutrition and hypnotherapy and is a member of the CHEK institute. She founded the Mind and Body Detox programme, where she helps hundreds of people to live a healthier and happier life.
In this episode, you’ll hear about Jaclyn’s dramatic health and career journey, as well as getting insight into her contrarian personality and the effect this one video had on her life. And then… we get deep into all things UK COVID-19 and the many many issues with how the government, media and public are handling it.
This discussion is grounded in deep data, scientific and political insight, however the discussion is up levelled to observations and conclusions vs getting deep into numbers, biology and science.
Check out the Full Show Notes of What’s Discussed - https://adapnation.io/139-jaclyn-dunne/
The #BeYourBest Journey : https://adapnation.io/beyourbest-journey/ (£10 coupon BESTYEAR-2020)
Where to find JACLYN DUNNE & her resources:
▪︎ Personal Social Media - Facebook & Instagram
▪︎ Jaclyn’s Facebook Viral Video - 2.4M views
▪︎ Website (wellness) - http://www.mindandbodydetox.co.uk/ & Facebook
▪︎ Book - Mind. Body. Miracle.
Referenced Content:
▪︎ COVID-19 Face Mask Science & Sanity
▪︎ Vaccine Book - Dissolving Illusions
▪︎ Simon Dolan - entrepreneur who took the government to court
▪︎ SAGE documented guidance on COVID-19 coercive manipulation
If you like this and other AdapNation episodes, please don't forget to subscribe to the channel, as well as leaving a 5 star review and letting friends and family know of this Podcast on Social Media.
AdapNation Useful Links:
The #BeYourBest Self-Optimisation Journey
■ Social - Instagram & Facebook & Tons of Free Website Content
■ #HyperWorkouts - Expertly written Gym Workout Plans, with video guides, print-outs & HeavySet import
■ AdapNation Butler - An Online Personal Assistant that can inspire easy and tasty Home-cooking
■ AdapNation Food Diary - 100’s of Tasty Healthy Meal Ideas, that are focussed on helping you thrive